but i have recharged and regrouped and personally things are looking upwards.. Some fun events for april are
blueclaws for $1 on saturday april 17th..
medieval times on sunday april 25th.. 30 people paid and ready to go.. the carivan leaves around noon.. wear your craziest blue outfits..
may 2nd - phillies vs mets road trip.. the bus is going, if you want tickets, buy some , i think we are just drinking and watching in the bar... bus leaves around 2pm
and also something new and fun, learning how to take 3-d photos on my phone and i think i am going to try to do some 3d video.. at medieval times, i am going to be filming the first Gleny.com RoadShow.. of course belmar Matt Damon is my co-host and we are adding some Moxie to the mix... this is Moxie.

I have no idea what else is in store for the summer, but i feel like it is gonna be a better than ok time. see ya out there