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Friday, April 21, 2006


busy weekend... first and formost it is earth day... I love the earth, you should too. I went to the poetry thing, the last poetry thing at coffee blue last nite, so for the last 30hours I have been talking and reciting stuff to myself, at like every weird thing I see.. I drove by the ocean today, it was rough and i thought; "The ocean looked angry today, but you know what she has a right to be.." then like blah blah with a poetry rant in my head. IT is like when you plated NINTENDO for a weekend when you first got it and you have like nintendo-mares and here that damn zelda song in your sleep.... anyways.


for the weekend,
FRIDAY NITE-- i might go out i might now... DADDY POP @ the HEADLINER

SATURDAY is the SPRING BASH 3 @ Bar A... long story short, 7 bands... free BBQ and The AMISH OUTLAWS @ 8.... I Will be there like 7-12.

SUNDAY MORNING is the MS walk in belmar, a good time, a good cause..

The MAGAZINE is taking shape and a big redesign is probably due around then...