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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

facebook and the like

well the last 3 months, facebook has really had a boom of popularity.. so i obviously have some thoughts on that...

Facebook is kind of doing what myspace did 2 years ago.. they get a big boom, then they decide to sell more and more ads... face book is going to get even more run over with ads than mysapce did i think... they have that become a fan of stuff section, and now i get emails and all kinds of alerts about stuff that i am a fan of... and what i dont like is all these rumors.. facebook will never charge to be a member of it, it doesn't have to... they will just put ad banners everywhere to pay for stuff.. they have all those apps, each of them is paid for by a sponsor...

I have to take a moment and once again apologize for my lack of blogging... i really spend all my time on facebook... well i still work, and do the husband thing, March was loaded with events, feel free to check out all those photos..

working on a plan to run way with a midget, tricia and johnee bee right now, we will see how that goes, we are looking for 3 more... just check out my facebook for info.. and seriously, if you are on there... my name is glenn kislowski and you really should join the travel and events team so you know where and when you are supposed to go out drinking and having fun...