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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The crazy bald terrorist guy in the dessert

He is a terrorist not just a crazy white guy. Why don't any of the news people call him that? The closest so far is Hilary, she called him an extremist.

I was reading Good and this was in there," According to the United States Law Code, terrorism is “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.” New evidence alleges that Loughner possibly planned for years to assassinate Giffords, a prominent politician. Sounds a lot like terrorism to me. But a whole host of major media outlets seem to disagree."

I agree with that guy. The article goes on to say stuff like white guys that do terrorist things are crazy, Muslims that do them are terrorists. Shady world.

that is all, back to work and arguing with GOP people that won't agree with anything and change the topics away from anything constructive that will move America forward.