So newt Up this week with 5 weeks to go til primary voting. Cane gone. Trump gone. Perry in dust begging for a comeback. It is now just newt and mitt. The asshole vs the boring guy. I still don't get why huntsman never got his shot in the lead sled.
I will be all over the political thing come jan season. Until then
Have a happy Christmas. I am predicting Obama in a 12 point win
On lighter note. If Tebow can beat the patriots I am getting his jersey
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Santa con
So a sexy Santa girl runs up to me, says "I've been naughty, do I get a spanking?" I of course complied and gave her a whack. Her friends all cheered. An even less covered girl of wonderment asks out " hey, the other side of the paddle says 'nice' on it. What do you for the nice side?" I replied, "I give you a spanking." With a playfully confused expression she examined me further," how is that different from the 'naughty' side?" With a countenance full of merry, I curtly answered," I have a different expression on my face. Merry christmas ladies!" and off I went
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Herman cain
I was really enjoying the god father of pizza. He was up in the polls. Starting national debate about flat taxes and really had charm on camera. For a hot minute I even dreamed for a black on black presidential election
Oh well. I really did think he was just on a book tour. You know like trump, got out there to increase his brand. Never really being serious at going the distance. It is pretty stupid to not think a sexual harassment settlement was going to surface. That is a real lapse in judgment.
I doubt her really did anything wrong back in 1992. But thinking that skeleton wasn't going to find its way out of the closet is just dumb. It was fun mr pizza. Campaign over.
Oh well. I really did think he was just on a book tour. You know like trump, got out there to increase his brand. Never really being serious at going the distance. It is pretty stupid to not think a sexual harassment settlement was going to surface. That is a real lapse in judgment.
I doubt her really did anything wrong back in 1992. But thinking that skeleton wasn't going to find its way out of the closet is just dumb. It was fun mr pizza. Campaign over.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011

now if you like on fb, you get to see the event photos there same day.. otherwise you have to wait a week.. tell a friend
also if anyone out there has something fun to do in the month of November and wants a nice presence at it, i don't want to run an event but just be invite..
Monday, August 29, 2011
2days til early registration closes

take a minute and sign up, save your self some cash and ya know.. if you think you have something to offer TEAM GLENY, you can run with the big dog.. me and my friends..
so cyndi sent me an EVENT CALENDAR for Sept
The Quick Fall Potential line up.... all dates subject to change.
Sept 1st- Melissa's BirthdaySept 3rd - Melissa's Birthday Party
Sept 5th - Superhero Bar Crawl
Sept 8th - Our anniversary
Sept 9th - Oyster Festival in Asbury
Sept 11th - NFL opening day at Bar A
Sept 15th - Jill's Birthday
Sept 17th - Pirate Con and then Ditta No No's big 3-0
Sept 18th - Dogfest at Winward Beach
perhaps a fall trip to DC?
Oct 1st - SPCA Dog Walk
Oct 8th - Rubber Ducky Race/WRAT Beer Fest in Asbury
Oct 22nd.. MudManX..
Oct 28th - Nov 7th - Rocky Horror in Asbury
Halloween Line up
Halloween Line up
29th-bar a
31st- NYC city parade
let me know who is interested in any of this, Check out the FB event, it is just for info and to see who is interested and coming to what.
Dates TBA:
Fall foliage trip
Apple/pumpkin picking
Apple/pumpkin picking
Snuggie 5
Monday, August 15, 2011

that is correct, I registered and started a team.. Now this is a call to action for all the in shape friends.. I would really really like to have a nice showing.. go register on as a team participant under TEAM GLENY. I would love for TEAM GLENY to make a decent show, hell I am a champion deep down.. so i want to win the best team competition... seriously folks.. go sign up under TEAM GLENY!!!!

As for the rest of my summer, I got in to a little trouble, which at some point I will blog about, right now the wounds are too open.... and I have been laying low . There is going to be one final BAR CRAWL for the summer.. the SUPER HERO EXTRAVAGANZA.... please go check that out... and really you dont have to dress all out, but trust me more than most will be outrageous.. homemade costumes are always the funnest and you can be any superhero you want, or if you run out of ideas, just buy a small tight form fitting super hero shirt and rock that..

and dont forget I love when people like my new FB page.. keep in touch and have fun... see you out there
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
july misc photos
I haven't done RACK OF THE MONTH in years.. and I dont intend on bringing it back, but i will say that if I was to pick one for July.. Clavi definitely would win.. this tank top, bra, shimmer combo is off the shelf fantastic! well done CC

the summer is a strange photo thing.. I do all these giant events.. and the photos are amazing, then when i go out to just a bar... there is 30 ones.. just ya know, without the costumes and all the magic, i just dont take as many.. the problem is that sometimes the photos get lost..
so here is july 2011.. so far in 1 folder, if it wasn't in an event, this is how i am doing it for a while
and on the side.. I put up photo of a day for 2005.. going to get those POTDs up to date...
Monday, July 11, 2011
Saturday, July 02, 2011

i know it has been a few weeks, but WE GOT 3rd PLACE in the mermaid parade in coney island.. AMAZING
special thanks to everyone that put up with my craziness at the staging area, who donated to make it possible and who dressed up beautifully.. I am pretty sure we got the metal for spirit and not content, cuz there were dozens of floats better than ours.. But no one had our charm and charisma..
see you next year coney island, we love you.
see ya
out there
the ultimate tan
this summer i feel like being really really tan. So I have been doing outdoor activites and well experimenting.. No, no, not like sex with donkeys, like what kind of tanning lotions to use.. and no not weird stuff.. well ok, it might sound weird at first.. Last week i went out to the deck to tan, i only had about an hour before work, so i wanted to pick something that would speed things along. I could not find the baby oil, we were all out of olive oil as well. So i opted for PAM cooking spray, ya know the stuff you use to keep eggs from sticking. The funny part was that it was infact butter flavored..
So i am sitting there basting in my PAM spray and my own sweat.. Appartently it doesn't breathe well and i was really sweating, when i feel rosie licking my calf. I guess she got a hold of the taste of butter and went to town. She probably licked my legs and butter spray for about 30mins.. And this is where todays blog ends...
have a great day and get some tan...
oh yea, And i will see you out there
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Summer plans
Summer events
June 13- mini golf outing
June 15- boat trip w/ bar a travel team
June 18- mermaid parade coney island
June 20- super Dave nite at bilows
June 23- Jimmy Buffett in Camden
July 3rd- joon pig roast
July 4- Asbury fireworks day
July 9- mud maniac
June 13- mini golf outing
June 15- boat trip w/ bar a travel team
June 18- mermaid parade coney island
June 20- super Dave nite at bilows
June 23- Jimmy Buffett in Camden
July 3rd- joon pig roast
July 4- Asbury fireworks day
July 9- mud maniac
July 14 - canoe adventure
July 17- poison/motley crew Pnc
July 21- sublime/311 Pnc
July 24- pirates invade Belmar
July 25- Dj Joe Yankee trip
July 30- sharweek bike tour
August 13- jen wedding and music festival
August 19- Buffett @ jones beach
August 21- christening
August 24- mets/phillies bus trip
July 17- poison/motley crew Pnc
July 21- sublime/311 Pnc
July 24- pirates invade Belmar
July 25- Dj Joe Yankee trip
July 30- sharweek bike tour
August 13- jen wedding and music festival
August 19- Buffett @ jones beach
August 21- christening
August 24- mets/phillies bus trip
September 17- PIRATE CON NYC
If u have events to add please contact me at
If u have events to add please contact me at
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Great pride parade today. Too tired to blog
New slogan - now with 95% less bullshit!
Have a few fantastic stories but need a little time to write em down. Sorry for the slacking. Anyone read this?
New slogan - now with 95% less bullshit!
Have a few fantastic stories but need a little time to write em down. Sorry for the slacking. Anyone read this?
Thursday, June 02, 2011
so the other day i was at walmart, no shocker i go like 4times a week.. And i turn the corner and there were .. wait a second, this blog is 100% real, i am not making this next part up
there were 2 decked out total hastic jews arguing.. they were deaf.. so they are flailing there arms around giving signs at each other but it was so angry and hostile.. but at the same time so ridiculous.. I dont mean to laugh at the deafs or the jews.. but really anyone arguing in public is open for jokes.. and this site was amazing.. Actually took me by such surprise i had to go down to 1 knee to regroup and compose myself..
what was doubly amazing that no one was even phased by this , like somehow this happens every day... oh well.. thanks guys for making this gentile laugh..
Friday, May 13, 2011
Moxie. Pirates. Mom bday celebration part 2.
Scooter. Yup. I found a scooter and I love it. Go on my Fb and check out me riding it. Scooter stunt show this summer.
2 days off in a row and kept busy. Saw Thor yesterday. Ate mcdonalds. Took a few hundred photos of moxie. I will post some. Maybe make her a little Gleny girl folder. I have probably taken over a 1000 of her. Maybe 2000.
Friday nite is pirate happy hour at bar a. Cyndi mom still celebrating her bday. Will be a blast.
Thor. I liked it. It was exactly what I thought it was going to be. Heart u Natalie Portman. Lots of action. Ok cgi.
Ate at stella marina last week in Asbury and if some one wants to buy u dinner. This is the place. Great and I mean great food. But very expensive
2 days off in a row and kept busy. Saw Thor yesterday. Ate mcdonalds. Took a few hundred photos of moxie. I will post some. Maybe make her a little Gleny girl folder. I have probably taken over a 1000 of her. Maybe 2000.
Friday nite is pirate happy hour at bar a. Cyndi mom still celebrating her bday. Will be a blast.
Thor. I liked it. It was exactly what I thought it was going to be. Heart u Natalie Portman. Lots of action. Ok cgi.
Ate at stella marina last week in Asbury and if some one wants to buy u dinner. This is the place. Great and I mean great food. But very expensive
Sunday, May 08, 2011
everyone should get their tuxedo tshirts/ tank tops ASAP
$6 TUX tshirts
this summer there is going to be a summer formal casual tux and short event.. just be ready, get your shirts early
this summer there is going to be a summer formal casual tux and short event.. just be ready, get your shirts early
Lagonsta lounge
Went to jazz brunch at langonsta lounge in Asbury for mothers day. I am in the restaurant business for more than half my life and I really don't like that place. But today try pushed the limits of disappointment. Half hearted waitress performance doubled by an hour wait. Ok. Holidays, fancy places... I get waiting. This was a fixed brunch menu. I had a lobster BLT, we had a scrambled eggs, a poached egg thing and 2 orders of premade lobster enchiladas. Seriously. In an hour, I could have gone to store bought food and cooked the meal. The eggs were eggs so i guess they tasted good. But that BLT was absolute garbage.
Absolute garbage. I got burnt bread and after an hour wait. An hour after the apps, I got the ass end of bread. Each half of sandwich had 1 lunch of claw meat. But all it tasted like was mayo and burnt. Really. I love the idea of a lobster BLT. But won't ever eat there again, not even if you are buying.
Well happy mother day to all that applies too. See ya our there to the mo-fo's too
Absolute garbage. I got burnt bread and after an hour wait. An hour after the apps, I got the ass end of bread. Each half of sandwich had 1 lunch of claw meat. But all it tasted like was mayo and burnt. Really. I love the idea of a lobster BLT. But won't ever eat there again, not even if you are buying.
Well happy mother day to all that applies too. See ya our there to the mo-fo's too
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
give it up for the newest member of TEAM 6
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Classic moment
Ok Saturday nite was the presidential comedy thing and rip into Donald trump, now he actually cut into this weeks celebrity apprentice to announce we killed Osama bin laden. Classic
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunny Saturday
Things happen all week and I forget about them, by the time I get around to blogging. I wonder why that makes twitter so popular? U can just tweak like a text message.
This week bas a pretty basic week. A few 11 hour work days. A nite at bar a, and I guess still healing up from bunny con. Cinch de mayo is this Thursday. So that will be amazing, I am working on getting a Mexican pro wrestler there to be a photo prop and maybe beat me up. Pks has tons of specials and is really fired up for this. If u are reading my blog you are probably coming. Thank u in advance. shirts will be there and that only happens once a year. So If u always wanted a face with my shirt this is your chance. Also tell friends, bring people, spread the word.
Planning summer events. And I am going to try to tell a story once a week. April was national poetry month and my buddy rob wrote 30 poems. May is officially now "national Boobie" month. So I vow to post 30 photos of 30 different racks! Stay tunes.
This week bas a pretty basic week. A few 11 hour work days. A nite at bar a, and I guess still healing up from bunny con. Cinch de mayo is this Thursday. So that will be amazing, I am working on getting a Mexican pro wrestler there to be a photo prop and maybe beat me up. Pks has tons of specials and is really fired up for this. If u are reading my blog you are probably coming. Thank u in advance. shirts will be there and that only happens once a year. So If u always wanted a face with my shirt this is your chance. Also tell friends, bring people, spread the word.
Planning summer events. And I am going to try to tell a story once a week. April was national poetry month and my buddy rob wrote 30 poems. May is officially now "national Boobie" month. So I vow to post 30 photos of 30 different racks! Stay tunes.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Bunny con
It was an amazing good time. The fast details. A bar hop themed by Easter. Lots of funny bunnies, some hot bunnies, some silly ones too. And then me, a combination of all three. Lol.
Santa con and pirate con are fun bar hips that happen in NYC. This year no one was stepping up to fun "bunny con NYC" so I stepped in. Then I got to realize that why not make it easy on me and some friends, so I moved it to Belmar.
About 50 maybe 75 bunnies of u count all the late comers, showed up. So fun. For those that went and for group of then that can remember, it really was a great time. To those who didn't go, sorry u missed it
Photos going up slowly on and from friends on facebook. I might put he top 50 on the Gleny Fb page. But Fb isn't great with photo storage.
Cinch de mayo party coming soon. Just go to Click the Mexican Gleny graphic and check out the event page
As for this week I will be resting, but I might go out Tuesday. Who knows. Either way
See you out there
Santa con and pirate con are fun bar hips that happen in NYC. This year no one was stepping up to fun "bunny con NYC" so I stepped in. Then I got to realize that why not make it easy on me and some friends, so I moved it to Belmar.
About 50 maybe 75 bunnies of u count all the late comers, showed up. So fun. For those that went and for group of then that can remember, it really was a great time. To those who didn't go, sorry u missed it
Photos going up slowly on and from friends on facebook. I might put he top 50 on the Gleny Fb page. But Fb isn't great with photo storage.
Cinch de mayo party coming soon. Just go to Click the Mexican Gleny graphic and check out the event page
As for this week I will be resting, but I might go out Tuesday. Who knows. Either way
See you out there
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Can't help it. He is a media dynamo. Other GOP candidates have to read books just to keep up with him. ( guess where that quote is from. Win a prize). I mean he is zero qualified but he can get people to watch him. He is absurd, from the hair to the steal oil from other countries foreign affair doctrine. But the birthed stuff. He is president. Beat him on politics. Obama is doing "C" grade work. if someone was really qualified to be be president you can win on that, bot bullshit.
Oh yeah. And really, do u think a billionaire would have the interest in regular people? How would he get the poor, the old, the mexicans or blacks to vote for him? The GOP is going to have to split and trump can go as tea party candidate. That is only way I see him going to 2012.
Sorry for political blog. At work and news is on. Seriously, even fox news bashes trump
Bunny con Saturday
See u out there
Oh yeah. And really, do u think a billionaire would have the interest in regular people? How would he get the poor, the old, the mexicans or blacks to vote for him? The GOP is going to have to split and trump can go as tea party candidate. That is only way I see him going to 2012.
Sorry for political blog. At work and news is on. Seriously, even fox news bashes trump
Bunny con Saturday
See u out there
Monday, April 18, 2011
Updating keeps me up late
It is 4am and just hitting the sheets. Fixed frontpage and tweaked blog. Hope u like it
Good nite and see you out there soon
Good nite and see you out there soon
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Saturday- this
It wasn't a super exciting week. Some political stuff happened. And without going into it, I am amazed when partisan politics surprises people. I guess regular people that don't follow it, but the professional people. the president is kind of a democrat. Why act surprised when he says professing things. And get this he promised to compromise with the GOP. So why all the uproar when he compromises. The politicians spend 80% of their energy in arguing and trying to make the other side look like crap. Just do the job. get economy moving.
On a lighter note. It is finally warming up and old friends start to crawl out of the woodwork. That is always fun. People like to be photographed more in the summer. My camera had a boring winter. news- kind of redoing the site. Making it more facebook friendly. I am going to add a "Rosie corner". trying to blog more. And if I can figure out a vibe, I might include a video blog section again
Bunny con is next Saturday. Lots of warm weather fun is on deck. Buffet season is coming. Cinco de Mayo.
See u out there
On a lighter note. It is finally warming up and old friends start to crawl out of the woodwork. That is always fun. People like to be photographed more in the summer. My camera had a boring winter. news- kind of redoing the site. Making it more facebook friendly. I am going to add a "Rosie corner". trying to blog more. And if I can figure out a vibe, I might include a video blog section again
Bunny con is next Saturday. Lots of warm weather fun is on deck. Buffet season is coming. Cinco de Mayo.
See u out there
Thursday, April 07, 2011
So again. I don't blog enough
I blame u Facebook. I really do. Fb has changed people's online experience. But I wish they made their notes section work more better as a blog program. Seriously Fb, buy
I have been made to promise no political blogging. So I am now going to just blog random thoughts.
On Gdc news. Blueclaws home opener tonight. 50degrees and dry. $8 seats and $1 beers all nite. Bunny con NYC had moved to Belmar and the numbers are growing. Wanna go on the bar hop of your life. Just search Fb for "bunny con NYC" and join us. Oh yeah dress like a bunny
On American idol- this year is a little better than last year. Only Like 2 girls left, but both very hot. Cyndi loves Scotty. I like the fake English looking guy and the autistic kid.
On Knicks- hell yeah! 5 wins in a row. The perfect way to end a season, I think they can beat either the heat or the celtics on the first round. Knick fever is running wild
On hockey- u almost had me for a few weeks. Devils couldn't do the impossible. Is the season over yet?
Blog ya later
I have been made to promise no political blogging. So I am now going to just blog random thoughts.
On Gdc news. Blueclaws home opener tonight. 50degrees and dry. $8 seats and $1 beers all nite. Bunny con NYC had moved to Belmar and the numbers are growing. Wanna go on the bar hop of your life. Just search Fb for "bunny con NYC" and join us. Oh yeah dress like a bunny
On American idol- this year is a little better than last year. Only Like 2 girls left, but both very hot. Cyndi loves Scotty. I like the fake English looking guy and the autistic kid.
On Knicks- hell yeah! 5 wins in a row. The perfect way to end a season, I think they can beat either the heat or the celtics on the first round. Knick fever is running wild
On hockey- u almost had me for a few weeks. Devils couldn't do the impossible. Is the season over yet?
Blog ya later
Work all day Saturday, then cyndi-bowl party. 2 weeks Til the winter carnival rally. And the beginning of an amazing 2011 of good times
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Social media revolutionizing revolutions
Are u kidding me. Facebook and twitter are part of the reason the Egyptian protests were so vast and went crazy. The world we live in so was not the future they promised me when I was 10 years old.
It is kind of cool. But also absurd. I watch a lot of news. Seriously probably too much. I watch left and right. Trying to get a grasp on the world we live in. Twitter and fb are really a part of news. There was a guy on CNN that had a show middle of day. He really started letting the audience tweet (?) and he would show and reply. Rich Sanchez was his name. He was pretty good. But I am guessing he said the wrong thing, cuz he was just fired. 2009 Til now, Facebook had exploded exponentially. And now, every business, every news person, and almost like 1 in 5 or something have one. That is a level of connection that was never ever even thought possible. We are like a new civilization of people, kind of like star trek's "the Borg".
It is amazing and creepy. Scary and when u are alone you really aren't that far from someone else bored and alone too.
Now if face-twitters want to impress me. Resolve and fix Egypt's government and save some lives. And why haven't we been able to stalk al'queda's Facebook page yet and find their training shit. Oh well. Does those things and I will never knock twitter again
It is kind of cool. But also absurd. I watch a lot of news. Seriously probably too much. I watch left and right. Trying to get a grasp on the world we live in. Twitter and fb are really a part of news. There was a guy on CNN that had a show middle of day. He really started letting the audience tweet (?) and he would show and reply. Rich Sanchez was his name. He was pretty good. But I am guessing he said the wrong thing, cuz he was just fired. 2009 Til now, Facebook had exploded exponentially. And now, every business, every news person, and almost like 1 in 5 or something have one. That is a level of connection that was never ever even thought possible. We are like a new civilization of people, kind of like star trek's "the Borg".
It is amazing and creepy. Scary and when u are alone you really aren't that far from someone else bored and alone too.
Now if face-twitters want to impress me. Resolve and fix Egypt's government and save some lives. And why haven't we been able to stalk al'queda's Facebook page yet and find their training shit. Oh well. Does those things and I will never knock twitter again
Monday, January 24, 2011
Steelers, homeless kids and pro-life
Glad the steelers beat the jets. 2 weeks Til superbowl party and the Gdc snack stadium. Also g'day will be a giant pep rally and I enjoy that. Filming for game show will begin.
In dc today there is a giant pro-life rally. I thought abortion issues were so 10 years ago. I never understood. If some one is pro-choice they can choose to not have an abortion. The whole American system is based on freedom of choices. Why or how does that not cover this. Anyways. I get annoyed at pro-life rallies when I see all that effort and passion and resources just going to waste. I just googled homeless kids in America. 1.5 million. How about u pro-lifers find a way to help those already born kids. Starving kids. They don't lift a finger. Unborn, they rally and protest and donate and do all kinds of stuff. Assholes
In dc today there is a giant pro-life rally. I thought abortion issues were so 10 years ago. I never understood. If some one is pro-choice they can choose to not have an abortion. The whole American system is based on freedom of choices. Why or how does that not cover this. Anyways. I get annoyed at pro-life rallies when I see all that effort and passion and resources just going to waste. I just googled homeless kids in America. 1.5 million. How about u pro-lifers find a way to help those already born kids. Starving kids. They don't lift a finger. Unborn, they rally and protest and donate and do all kinds of stuff. Assholes
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Mini blogs.
Mini blogs. I am just going to sometimes just do mini entries.
Obama should hire Richard Steele for something. Just watched his interview on Maddow, and he could be a central conservative voice that could help us all
Gop's 3rd action will be ban gov spending for abortion forever. Still no budget cuts, spending cuts, job or economy stuff either
Obama should hire Richard Steele for something. Just watched his interview on Maddow, and he could be a central conservative voice that could help us all
Gop's 3rd action will be ban gov spending for abortion forever. Still no budget cuts, spending cuts, job or economy stuff either
Presidential candidates
Trump, rosanne Barr, sarah palin, mike huckabee.
Sp far those are names floating around to run against Obama on 2012. Interestingly, they all have or have had tv shows. remember when the GOP complained that Obama was too much of a celebrity? Or that he had no elected official experience? Classic stuff. I think they are all running on "hope and change"
Sp far those are names floating around to run against Obama on 2012. Interestingly, they all have or have had tv shows. remember when the GOP complained that Obama was too much of a celebrity? Or that he had no elected official experience? Classic stuff. I think they are all running on "hope and change"
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
From the news
Sarah palin is just the "snooki" of the GOP
MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch said on the cable network's show "Morning Joe" that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resembles the darling of MTV's "Jersey Shore."
"She is Snooki. It's the same math. A younger generation, they want to watch this character with big hair, who's funny, you don't know what she's going to say," he said Wednesday.
More: "We watch her, she's interesting-looking, what's she going to say, she's campy, she's kitschy. It's telegenic, it's television, it's entertainment. That's the fascination."
MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch said on the cable network's show "Morning Joe" that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin resembles the darling of MTV's "Jersey Shore."
"She is Snooki. It's the same math. A younger generation, they want to watch this character with big hair, who's funny, you don't know what she's going to say," he said Wednesday.
More: "We watch her, she's interesting-looking, what's she going to say, she's campy, she's kitschy. It's telegenic, it's television, it's entertainment. That's the fascination."
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Another shooting, Facebook in juror decisions, NFL
Another crazy highschooler opened fire in a school. 3 shot. I am sure gun regulations are fine. Not fine. Kids and crazies shouldn't have guns
Texas using peoples Facebook pages to dismiss them as jurors. I a little too Orwellian and we are actually living in yhr future now. Btw, 4-6 years til they successfully clone an extinct mammoth.
Jets win, superbowl party cancelled and I watch at bar a, steelers win and g'day is a giant pep rally. Party at Cyndis. I think the packers will win but I don't care if bears do
Texas using peoples Facebook pages to dismiss them as jurors. I a little too Orwellian and we are actually living in yhr future now. Btw, 4-6 years til they successfully clone an extinct mammoth.
Jets win, superbowl party cancelled and I watch at bar a, steelers win and g'day is a giant pep rally. Party at Cyndis. I think the packers will win but I don't care if bears do
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Yesterday was the Snuggie bar crawl so I forgot to pick em. I would have picked the steelers. But not the packers. Great steelers game, loved the ravens losing on a great defensive play by Pitt.
Today I think a Seattle upset is possible but not likely. And same for jets. I relate think the PAts win by 20
Today I think a Seattle upset is possible but not likely. And same for jets. I relate think the PAts win by 20
Friday, January 14, 2011
GOP, mlk, zodiac and redbull?
So this week after obama's memorial speech in tuscon, most of the right wing media complimented him and for a lot of them it was the first time they actually agrees he WAS our president. Step 1. Now if he fixes the unemployment rate he has a good chance at re-election.
Some schools are making kids go to school on mlk day Because of snow days. Tricky move. Riots coming for sure
Redbull is not for vegetarians. So red bull has taurine in it. Taurine is made from bull bial or stomach lining. I feel like and idiot. It is so obvious. Red bull? Bull on the label!! And really cows aren't the symbol of energy. It makes sense. Taurine. Latin root is Taur, mean bull. Interesting stuff folks
Zodiac signs were rearranged. Some state run astrology group said the earth tilted. Seriously. How does the earth shift on its axis and no one noticed? Well a lot of us have new signs, some stayed. I have heard people saying they are not changing signs, I have heard some people embrace it. I am the new sign. The naked guy with a snake. All said, this really feels like a Facebook hoax. We shall see.
Well that is my week
Oh yeah. Someone fire Sarah palin's speech writer asap.
Some schools are making kids go to school on mlk day Because of snow days. Tricky move. Riots coming for sure
Redbull is not for vegetarians. So red bull has taurine in it. Taurine is made from bull bial or stomach lining. I feel like and idiot. It is so obvious. Red bull? Bull on the label!! And really cows aren't the symbol of energy. It makes sense. Taurine. Latin root is Taur, mean bull. Interesting stuff folks
Zodiac signs were rearranged. Some state run astrology group said the earth tilted. Seriously. How does the earth shift on its axis and no one noticed? Well a lot of us have new signs, some stayed. I have heard people saying they are not changing signs, I have heard some people embrace it. I am the new sign. The naked guy with a snake. All said, this really feels like a Facebook hoax. We shall see.
Well that is my week
Oh yeah. Someone fire Sarah palin's speech writer asap.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The crazy bald terrorist guy in the dessert
He is a terrorist not just a crazy white guy. Why don't any of the news people call him that? The closest so far is Hilary, she called him an extremist.
I was reading Good and this was in there," According to the United States Law Code, terrorism is “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.” New evidence alleges that Loughner possibly planned for years to assassinate Giffords, a prominent politician. Sounds a lot like terrorism to me. But a whole host of major media outlets seem to disagree."
I agree with that guy. The article goes on to say stuff like white guys that do terrorist things are crazy, Muslims that do them are terrorists. Shady world.
that is all, back to work and arguing with GOP people that won't agree with anything and change the topics away from anything constructive that will move America forward.
I was reading Good and this was in there," According to the United States Law Code, terrorism is “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.” New evidence alleges that Loughner possibly planned for years to assassinate Giffords, a prominent politician. Sounds a lot like terrorism to me. But a whole host of major media outlets seem to disagree."
I agree with that guy. The article goes on to say stuff like white guys that do terrorist things are crazy, Muslims that do them are terrorists. Shady world.
that is all, back to work and arguing with GOP people that won't agree with anything and change the topics away from anything constructive that will move America forward.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
I picked the one upset. The jets snuck an upset too. I absolutely do not think they have a chance against the pats
Sunday games. I haven't seen one kc game this year. All I know Is the ravens looked good offensively and defensively this season. If they all show up, the ravens can beat the cheifs.
We all know how I feel about Vick. 4 wins to a puppy. Today is win one. Everyone says what green bay has to do to beat the eagles. No one says what the eagles has to do. I think Vick at home gets at lest 300 combined yards, the only way greenbay can win is of they hit Vick 12 times. Maybe 2 hard sacks and an int. We shall see
Just watching the games at home. Feel free to text and what not.
Springer tomorrow. I think there are 16 of us!!
Sunday games. I haven't seen one kc game this year. All I know Is the ravens looked good offensively and defensively this season. If they all show up, the ravens can beat the cheifs.
We all know how I feel about Vick. 4 wins to a puppy. Today is win one. Everyone says what green bay has to do to beat the eagles. No one says what the eagles has to do. I think Vick at home gets at lest 300 combined yards, the only way greenbay can win is of they hit Vick 12 times. Maybe 2 hard sacks and an int. We shall see
Just watching the games at home. Feel free to text and what not.
Springer tomorrow. I think there are 16 of us!!
Saturday, January 08, 2011
NFL playlets
Today I believe "who dat gonna be them those saints" is gonna be the Seahawks. I also think the jets lose. Probably cuz of Sanchez.
Tomorrow I think the ravens beat kc in kc. And Vick will take his first step toward "4 wins for a puppy" by beating greenbay. I think on that game Aaron Rodgers takes a shot and gets his 3rd concussion of the season
And That is my on the record picks.
Back to work
Jerry springer fundraiser feild trip Monday is up to 17. And next Saturday is seaside Snuggie #2
Tomorrow I think the ravens beat kc in kc. And Vick will take his first step toward "4 wins for a puppy" by beating greenbay. I think on that game Aaron Rodgers takes a shot and gets his 3rd concussion of the season
And That is my on the record picks.
Back to work
Jerry springer fundraiser feild trip Monday is up to 17. And next Saturday is seaside Snuggie #2
Thursday, January 06, 2011
New battery in shortbus
Today I bought a new battery for the shortbus. It had the same that came with it from the junkyard like 5 years ago. Well now she has 2 new batteries. Cost was $65. So the this weeks's springer road trip will cover the battery and the next event might cover registration
15 of is are going to springer Monday. It will be a story we will surely be telling all year. Last time I wentwe were asked to leave. Hope they don't remember me. Haha
Day off. Just did the bus now some dinner at a new brick oven pizza joint in Asbury.
See ya out there
15 of is are going to springer Monday. It will be a story we will surely be telling all year. Last time I wentwe were asked to leave. Hope they don't remember me. Haha
Day off. Just did the bus now some dinner at a new brick oven pizza joint in Asbury.
See ya out there
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
The past
Well today and actually for like 9months. The past has been coming back to pester me.
Short story: a girl buddy of mine, we will not use her real name but long time fans would surely recognize her southern region marine sea life tattoos, has become or is about to become a teacher. I hadnt spoken to her or seen her for months before. Well she needs all her photos odd I took down the racy section right away. And gave it a little time for deleting. It just takes a lot of time to go through. has over 100,000 photos and the ones in question where from 2004-2007. just got the "my attorney will be contacting you" text. so that is my morning. I am not worried about the attorney. Law on my side. Public place, full knowledge of intent. What ever. It is the hassle and I am honestly try to help her out. Just hours of free time aren't that easy to come by and waste on a person who never did hours of favors for me. If that makes sense. And it is so low priority that when I am free it doesn't even come up in my mind
Anyways. That is my morning. And off to work I go
See u out there
Jay and I will be drunk tonight at bar a, stop by. Free beer for ya if u mention my blog
Short story: a girl buddy of mine, we will not use her real name but long time fans would surely recognize her southern region marine sea life tattoos, has become or is about to become a teacher. I hadnt spoken to her or seen her for months before. Well she needs all her photos odd I took down the racy section right away. And gave it a little time for deleting. It just takes a lot of time to go through. has over 100,000 photos and the ones in question where from 2004-2007. just got the "my attorney will be contacting you" text. so that is my morning. I am not worried about the attorney. Law on my side. Public place, full knowledge of intent. What ever. It is the hassle and I am honestly try to help her out. Just hours of free time aren't that easy to come by and waste on a person who never did hours of favors for me. If that makes sense. And it is so low priority that when I am free it doesn't even come up in my mind
Anyways. That is my morning. And off to work I go
See u out there
Jay and I will be drunk tonight at bar a, stop by. Free beer for ya if u mention my blog
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Again a new year has started and I once again pledge to blog more. I am going to just open up to the world. The blog will include event stories, it will include when I have bad days. When I have good days. If I hate someone new, I am going to share it here from now on.
If I need to be humble. Here I shall be it.
Ok today someone accidentally called me inconspicuous. I laughed and said I think you mean conspicuous. So I looked it up, ya know on my iPhone app for it. And the definition is : marked by a noticeable violation of good taste.
That will be the new tag line of my blog.
Back to work I go
Have a good day and new year, I will see u out there
Jerry springer on the 10th, Snuggie seaside on the 15th. Prepay for ground hog road trip and get a press pass.
If I need to be humble. Here I shall be it.
Ok today someone accidentally called me inconspicuous. I laughed and said I think you mean conspicuous. So I looked it up, ya know on my iPhone app for it. And the definition is : marked by a noticeable violation of good taste.
That will be the new tag line of my blog.
Back to work I go
Have a good day and new year, I will see u out there
Jerry springer on the 10th, Snuggie seaside on the 15th. Prepay for ground hog road trip and get a press pass.
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